"Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship; the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth."

-Peter Drucker

Friday, January 14, 2011

Biscuit manufacturing & Milk processing @ Nilgiri Bangalore.

Innovative ideas for the biscuit manufacturing has thrilled our team as it has given a new dimmension for our
research on biscuits.To get more of the idea on manufacturing the preference of the taste and extrapulating from the consumer what they really demand in the biscuit made us to explore the factories who are manufacturing it.
The visit to biscuit factory was an eye opener as it made us to see what actually goes in to prepare them.The entire assembly line of the manufacturing and packaging gave us a full insight. Since we where not allowed to take the snap for the process we could only see it and it has thrilled us by knowing the process of making such nice snacks for the childrens adults and every works of life. The visit to the Nilgiris manufacturing plant has enlightned us from being a mere biscuit eater to biscuit lover. It has also made us feel the passion by which they manufacture these biscuits and cakes.
In the process we also visited the milk processing plant at the Bangalore site which we can use as a comparision of the products and the manufacturing difficulties of the different products.We saw the manufacturing of the yogurt and another stufffs which can be one of the challanges for the biscuit industry in the future as the parents may force there children to have these products as there breakfast menu.
We where also previledged to have a look at the making of the puffs which is also one of the high demand segment for the snacks and every time munching.we where enlightened to come to know that they prepare very delicately for the veg and non veg puffs as it is of greater consern for the people as there integrity should be intact.Puffs can be one of the alternative for the biscuits as it has grown in demand in the young and adults.
The price for both the products is competitive and hence there is a choice for the people to take for the snacks.
The biscuit industry may have to face to face a huge challenge form the cakes and pasteries and even the puffs which has come in a healthy competition in between very quitelty.


  1. Hi Salesh, nice recollection. I totally agree with you on the fact that now we appreciate every bite of the biscuit even more because we are aware of the effort put in.

    About the cakes and puffs as competition is so very true and somewhat alarming if you consider the health consequences. Obesity is one factor which is slowly going to creep up with this trend. Thinking deeply about the conversations we had with people, market survey, and the factory visit, I personally feel that the real breakthrough in biscuit innovation would only come through finding an alternative for Hydrogenated Fat.

  2. The following are the alternative of Hydrogenated Fat:
    1. PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids)
    2. Omega 3 Fatty Acids
    3. MUFA (Monounsaturated fatty Acids)

    The above 3 fats are good for health and research says that the cardiovascular disease is not associated with the 3 fats as they lack in cholesterol and tras fat.

    The reason of not using above fats by food manufacturer are:
    1. Higher cost
    2. Taste of product will be change which consumer doesnot like. It may take some time to change the taste prefrence of the consumer.
    3. Body and texture will be changed.

    Some companies has started using other fats than hydrogenated fat. But they mask the taste of the using fat.
